EU-Funding contract signed ”Developing of management capacity and growth of the SMEs” -

EU-Funding contract signed ”Developing of management capacity and growth of the SMEs”

On 07.03.2017 Minister Teodor Sedlarski officially give on Blagoy Angelov owner and manager  of furniture factory Kolorado the signed contract on 20.02.2017 with Ministry of Economy, General department –European Funds for Competitiveness for grant financial support  about implementation of project  BG16RFO002-2.002-  ”Sustainable development of “Blagoy Angelov – Kolorado” through implementation of software for business process improvement, system management and control of timber and re-certification of ISO 14001:2015”.

The project is funded by the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020, co-funded by the EU through the European Fund for Regional Development and the national budget of Bulgaria – Procedure for subsidies BG16RFOP002-2.002 “Developing of management capacity and growth of the SMEs”.

The procedure for grant financial support BG16RFOP002-2.002 ”Developing of management capacity and growth of the SMEs”.

The purpose of ET Blagoy Angelov – Kolorado is with this project to increase effectively and stimulate dynamically, competitive and sustainably development by implement on IKT based system and applications for management on business process in the company.

Term of the contract:

18 months

Contract value:

292 564 BGN

Grant Financial Support:

204 794 BGN