New Opportunity for Youth Employment -

New Opportunity for Youth Employment

under OP “Human Resources Development “.

On 29.07.2016 Sole Proprietor “Blagoy Angelov – Kolorado” submited a project for participation in the selection of projects “Development of managerial capacity and growth of SMEs” under OP “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, Priority axis 2 “Entrepreneurship and capacity for growth of SMEs”, Investment priority 2.2 “Capacity for growth of SMEs”.

The overall objective of this project is to increase the efficiency, stimulate a dynamic, competitive and sustainable development of Sole Proprietor “Blagoy Angelov – Kolorado,” through the introduction of ICT based systems and applications for managing of the business processes within the company, re-certification of ISO 14001:2015, activities for introduction and certification of a system for tracking the production / Chain of Custody (CoC) /, activities for investments in new equipment and specialised software applications contributing for the introduction of ICT-based software for managing the business processes in the enterprise.

The implementation of the project will lead to a change in the whole concept of business process management in the factory, which is expressed in a shift of the objective function from maximising the load of the manufacturing and human resources to meeting the deadlines and quantities of customer orders.